3 Easy Steps to Improve Your Cleaning Process

Ultra clean tech post

3 Easy Steps to Improve Your Cleaning Process

Things that you can do right now to make your cleaning process more effective!

If you are already using the Ultra Clean System then you already know the importance of cleaning your hydraulic lines. But did you know that you can maximize your efforts without spending a penny more? Just take a look at these three simple suggestions: Continue reading

Not Getting the Clean Results You Want?

Ultra clean tech post

“How hose manufacturers could be thwarting your efforts”

A few months ago we received a complaint from a customer that the ¾” & 1” suction/return lines that they were assembling were not getting as clean as their other hoses. “We have been using your product and it usually works great!” they told us, “But these are the only sizes that don’t pass our gravimetric cleanliness tests.” After trouble shooting a little bit over the phone we then asked him if he knew where the hoses were manufactured. He named the site and we instantly realized what the issue was.

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Why You Should Clean “New” Hydraulic Hoses

Ultra clean tech post

dog cleanes dirty dishesA Common Kitchen Tip Applies to Hydraulics

When I was still very young my mother used to take me shopping with her. Whenever she bought dishes, she would bring them home and wash them before putting them away. That seemed kind of silly to me at the time because, after all, they were brand new! But when I asked her why she did that she said, “You never know where those dishes have been!”

As usual, she was right. From manufacturing to shipping to display on the store shelves, those dishes had plenty of opportunities to collect dust and germs. The same principle, funnily enough, applies to the Fluid Power Industry. Continue reading

Help! A Projectile is Stuck! Solve the problem in 1 easy step!

Ultra clean tech post

Help! A Projectile is Stuck!

Solve the problem in 1 easy step!

Sometimes a projectile gets stuck. Why?  There are many possible reasons: Was the wrong sized projectile selected? Did the inside diameter (ID) of the line change? Are the fittings smaller than the actual ID?

But there’s no need to worry! What goes in can come out. If a projectile gets stuck in a line due to restriction, simply turn the assembly around and blow air (no projectile!) through the other end. This will force the projectile back out the same way it entered.

Never, ever leave a projectile in a line. Always be certain that the projectile has exited the assembly and air blows freely through the line. If operator error is a concern, you can reduce this type of issue and have peace of mind by integrating the Projectile Verification System which verifies that each projectile has exited the assembly.